[ABAJ - ???]

The good old tricking-people-into-stabbing-themselves trick is always wonderful.
Unless they seem to be magically/telekinetically controlling said sword in some weird way.

The sword splits into individual gems again as G'nichi moves out of the way, whirling around Page like miniature moons as her body begins twitching and cracking once more, while she begins laughing in a way that sounds strangely just shy of sobbing.
"Would that I could, but I can't die."
Her upper body slams down into the ground after contorting yet further, into something vaguely like the horrid combination of a massive gorilla, spider, and iguana.

"No escape from me here..."
And Page begins to pursue.
Slower than G'nichi, given the size of the hallway seems to be restraining her now-large form a bit, but she is definitely moving at a pace demanding his haste.

The mist has begun to swirl around her like a lethargic cyclone.

Mari has pulled up some adrenaline from somewhere (probably the idea of being chased down by Page) and scrambles after G'nichi as best she can.
"The, uh, the thing down there, the big pillar. If it's the source point connecting all the dreams and we smash that, I think that will do...something. Syncope and I had talked about it earlier and think it may have something to do with how she lost control here."

Meanwhile, with the book.
There is a peculiar, abstract sensation in G'nichi's mind, most easily compared to dunking his head into below-freezing water, as he continues to pull at the book's soul. Alongside it, he hears the distant echoing of a song, a chorus of voices singing a wordless song, behind which some larger voice seems to be howling something else entirely, trying to drown out the others.

"It's...trying to bridge us to something. This would be much safer under a magic circle or ward."