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Thread: OOTS #1249 - The Discussion Thread

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    Dwarf in the Playground

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    Default Re: OOTS #1249 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Because if she doesn't Neutralize them, they'll go right back to doing what they were to start with. I fail to see the problem.
    Durkon only emphasized talking with Redcloak after their efforts at contacting Serini, Lien and O-Chul failed. If O-Chul and Lien had been present there, it's quite likely that discussion about meeting with Redcloak would've been tabled in favor of comparing notes, particularly since its probable that Step 1 would've been extracting Lien and O-Chul back to the airship to have a safe discussion on the topic.

    Should we expect Serini to see 50 decisions into the future? Of course not. But by robbing OOTS of critical scouting intel for no other reason than her irrational terror of the big bad lich, she set things in motion down this path. She's deep in the wrong here, and she keeps digging herself in deeper.

    This also gets into the issue with the Gate's defenses: It's not going to stop Xykon. It's stalling him out immeasurably, and it deserves credit for that, but eventually they'll have to switch plans and there's no reason to be going "maybe they'll never consider the possibility of epic-level, subtle traps". It might happen in a day, a week, a month, a year, or a decade, but Xykon's a Lich and Redcloak's lifespan is unnaturally extended by virtue of the Mantle. As I've said in previous threads, she's bought a marvelous amount of time, but she's completely and utterly wasting all of it. And by doing everything she can to prevent people from defeating Xykon, she's turning into a really fantastic ally of his, really top notch job of hers, kudos to the last living member of the Scribbles, Team Evil's Employee of the Month!
    Last edited by Wraithfighter; 2021-11-26 at 03:39 PM.