Kate clutched her halberd tightly but remained on the platform, refusing to jump down into the fray just yet. Down in the fog, the dwarf continued to flail around in vain, still not comprehending where his aggressors had come from. He shouted up to Raam on the boat, calling for instruction. The half-giant called back;

"They're on the crane you fuggin' idiots!"

As Barbara watched, she could see the Dwarf stop what he was doing and squint skyward, looking for her through the mist.

Down on the ship, the man with the crossbow continued to inch backwards towards the stern, but took aim and launched another crossbow at Kate. The heavy bolt caused her ectoplasmic defenses to ripple somewhat but otherwise fell away harmlessly; it was too wide to get a direct hit on her armor anyway and her psychic defenses were more than enough to keep her safe. The shooter cursed, panicked, and abandoned reloading his weapon, making instead for the tail of the ship, turning his back to the party.

Spoiler: OOC
Okay, Kate takes a ready action. Heavy crossbowman fires and fails miserably, his morale is in the toilet and he's bailing as quick as his bloody shoes can carry him. Still no sign of the guys who hit the river.

You've worked your list of enemies down from 7 to 3. That's the good news. The bad news is, the dwarf is tanky and Raam and the Half Orc both look like they could dispense some serious damage. So you need to keep thinking ahead of them or if they get on a role they could chop you up pretty bad.

You still have one bomb-looking item, but as Spoiler pointed out, you'll want to think carefully about how you use it. The other barrels you've seen so far have all replicated a spell of some kind when they were set off. Other tip I'll leave gently is, even though you don't know what the red barrel is, all of the other barrels have required a reagent -- water, electricity, ect. in order to produce their effects. The exception being the acid barrel, though Barbara rather cleverly managed to turn that into a battery anyway.

It's Barbara's turn now, then Raam gets to go. Make it count.