
Hoshiko hrms

No... that's not what I meant at all. You need to be visible, yes, and project a certain commanding presence. You need to be on top of events... did you even know about the Fiendling Lord who now resides here? Have you spoken to him? Don't just take Keiko's word for... well... anything, to be honest: she is young and hotheaded and extremely naiive.

Speaking of... have you actually talked to Keiko, or any of the others, about our history? Who we are and why we are in the place we are? Do you know the difference between us and the true nogitsune? Do you know which of your clergy are which? That is what was meant about leadership: this is your job now, you need to take the initiative to find these things out. Learn what it is you you don't know you need to know yet and the others don't know to even tell you because...

She shakes her head

This "Nexus" has scrambled things so badly, and they carry on as if we were still limited to the places back home. You were a human farmer, and Caroline fell in love with you. That in and of itself was hardly newsworthy - Vulpans fall for humans all the time, but then the drama of this place caused all this! Has anybody really explained anything to you?