
They aren't currently malnourished, but it seems they've had at least two periods of near starvation in the last five years- probably bad winters, three or more months trying to keep warm without enough food. The girl in the wheelchair- Tall Bryony, shorter of the two Bryonies- has a fractured shin that has been crudely set and even more crudely splinted. Willow, a small girl wearing a school skirt, denim jacket and cut off wellies and armed with a sharpened cricket wicket, is infected with a parasitic elemental. Three girls, Freya, Victoria and Stephanie, have been kissed by vargouilles and are therefore cursed, whilst Hermione has been bitten by one and has poorly bandaged the wound. Short Bryony, the taller of the two Bryonies, has torn out a fingernail.

Many of the girls have an above-average amount of prions floating around, as well, given their ages, though none are yet causing any trouble.