[Good and Gold]

"...Fortunately for you, I am more curious than I am vindictive." Yuvan says, closing Boada's fingers back around the ring. He's not taking it back; he has a dozen more, and the means to make hundreds, so despite its nominal value, he's not exactly heartbroken about "losing money" over it. "You knew you were buying from a master enchanter. You can not possibly have believed I would not see through your ruse. Yet you took the risk anyway. And acquiring currency of this sort is disproportionately difficult, compared to stealing or earning an equivalent amount of conventional currency." He turns out the bag of leaves, letting them skitter off in the wind. "Quite a bit of trouble to go to, just to cheat someone. And quite a poor target you chose. These are the actions of the unintelligent or the desperate. So I must ask, which are you?"