Quote Originally Posted by False God View Post
So you load yourself down as a human, then Wild Shape into a Bear or something else large and strong, load yourself up with more stuff, then Wild Shape into something fast (or small and portable), absorbing your new carried gear, but never reverting back to your base form, and thus never losing the gear you absorbed the first time.
When you un-Wild Shape or it ends, all the stuff you've packed on magically poofs back!
I can see the real shenanigans once you hit 20th level and have infinite Wild Shapes. IIRC you can cast almost all of your spells in Wild Shape, too, so you never actually need to revert to your true form. You could make for a very fun surprise when someone knocks you out of Wild Shape and you explode into a literal mountain of random crap. Of course, that would probably kill you, too, so maybe not the best idea.