So, some outside context; Mega Man was not "just installed" and I'm not sure where you got that from. Lan's had Mega Man from birth, roughly. Dex mentions he "just got the newest model" for Gutsman, but later in the series they establish Gutsman is a custom made Navi that Dex hand crafted, not one of the generic store models like the NPC navis. The best explanation is that Dex just got a new rig for Gutsman's body-frame, for him to make him look (and be) bulkier, or something along those lines.
the opening scene was a little confusing and I might have been subconsciously adding information from the anime adaption, where MegaMan was a huge file that Lan downloaded into his PET in the first episode.

Though admittedly, that makes a hell of a lot more sense in context.

On Gutsman... Maybe Dex meant that he transferred Gutsman into a new model of PET? A better OS.
Mega Man was new in the first episode, and the relevant spoiler thing which in the games would heavily conflict with that just isn't a thing.
I mean it was kind of a thing, just not explicit. They never come out and say it but if you're paying attention to a few key moments you can probably infer it. Granted I'm speaking from hindsight
Oh, incidentally: the anime covers elements from all six mainline games in the series, but only approximately at best, and the farther it goes the more it's just a completely different story and version of the setting with a lot of character overlap, or sometimes even just character-design overlap.
Please tell me that the "some internet beings can literally open portals to and from the internet and just live in earl space without issue, also the internet starts leaking into the real world in places so Lan has to actually fuse with MegaMan to fight viruses and hostile Navis in the real world" part is in the games. That was probably the dumbest thing but it's also the coolest thing and it would ahve basically set up the plot of starforce.
And back in.

"Let's go see if Mom has finished making us a snack" is a really weird phrasing considering that MegaMan is an AI who doesn't exist in physical space and thus can't actually eat anything that Lan's Mom makes.

Cheezy Poofs... Oh God this takes place in the same world as South Park. The Big Bad is gonna be a grown-up Cartman who got his crap together and got a computing degree but is still a murderous sociopath. He's trying to take over the world becuase someone reminded him of that time his high-tech trapper keeper had to be destroyed in order to stop a Skynet scenario and he's decided that if he doesn't get cool AI toys then no one does.

Oh look, the over caught fire somehow even though there should be no way in hell that a virus could do that...

Why is the oven a full-fledge computer? Why can't Lan jack in from the control panel like... Like the obviously evil guy did?

...the boss of the viruses... Becuase viruses have bosses... Is creating the fire... In the real world. There is nothing actually wrong with the oven, the virus is just making fire inside it.

God damn it the internet doesn't work that way.

Why would the thawing section of the oven have ice block data... Why would thawing be a separate function... I feel like DBZA Doctor Gero yelling at Android 19 except I'm not a senile old man responsible for all the design flaws myself.

How does MegaMan know what WWW's data signature is? Why do they even have a data signature, it would be easier to track them.

"We're being delated... Without having to fight a virus or anything, making the entire existence of your combat subroutines superfluous MegaMan. Programs can be deleted without combat."

...Yeah, not having a dedicated virus-busting program in literally everything that's inexplicably connected to the net seems like another intentional design flaw. This oven was made by the people who make PETs and intentionally designed this way to force people to customize their NetNavis with combat routines and buy battle chips. That's also why there are no security programs wandering the net constantly busting viruses and wh your security system has viruses.

The ice block puzzle seems intentionally frustrating.

Oh No, MegaMan was still inside when the explosion pushed you back so now he's trapped in the Oven because of Raisins.

What posisble reason could panel repairman have for outing himself right now? To a random kid of all people?

Did he just fight a fire with a super-soaker?

How did putting out the fire in the real world put out the fire in the oven's digitalized inertial blah blah? The...

So this game is Tien. The stuff it's saying about how all this works in the Shin Kikoho... and I'm Semi-Perfect Cell.

If MegaMan says Roger Roger, I'm out.

Oh yeah, that's an electrical fire... In an electrical device. Not only should Lan be dead, so should Megaman and all the programs in the oven.

God damn it FireMan, don't say your human partner's name... Also, if the oven explodes with you in it won't you die?

In the Anime, FireMan was called TorchMan for some reason.

How did a kid and his Puny Navi defeat HeatMan? It can't possibly be that Megaman was custom designed by an industry insider and is constantly receiving massive upgrades for reasons.

I can't help but think that if the plan was to steal a specific program from ovens that making the ovens explode or spitfire would be counter productive.

Also...Couldn't they just buy ovens, or seal them from a warehouse? Or was it specifically a program in this specific oven that they needed, in which case why target everyone else's oven first?

I think this game might be bad, you guys.

And the fire is miraculously out with no damage.

SoI looked it up, Lan's 11.

And MegaMan... Lan's 11. don't say "only the first time you fought them." He's too young to be fighting terrorists.

...Everything is connected to the internet, everything can be hacked, you have to buy specific software to be able to regularly use your stuff safely, and there are cyberterrorists everywhere...

This is a cyberpunk game.

Yes MegaMan, Lan is hungry. Humans need food to sustain themselves.

But seriously Lan, bad timing. The house almost burned down.

And... Play a bit and then go to bed at like eight in the morning?

So are the generic NPCs the same couple of mass-produced programs that all escaped into real space.

...Everything... Oh God, has anyone in this world drowned becuase someone hacked their bathtub? Has anyone been eaten by a hacked toilet? Becuase if viruses and NEtNavis can do what they did with the oven then there are no rules and we've already established that this game shares a universe with South Park.

Yai hunted the rare endangered Giant Pikachu The Data region to extinction just so she could have a skin rug. Because that's what rich people do.

Also, I think that's a Goron head mounted on her wall. In addition to the Legends references, Capcom's throwing a lot of spite at Nintendo here.

...So Yai's house looks like a mansion but it's literally just a hallway, a sitting room, and her bedroom. Does... Does she live alone?

You just stole money out of the rich girl's phone.

Why are there viruses in the phone!? Why is the phone that looks like an antique land-line connected to the internet!

So you basically just stole money and a battle chip from the rich girl's family.

So my experience with MegaMan was, in order, a single episode the Ruby-Spears cartoon on a channel I could never find again, watching some friends play one of the MegaMan X games while visiting their house, and then renting Legends. all in the single digits age.

I was so fricking confused and then when the Net Battle anime started airing I was just like "oh, it's all alternate continuities. Gotcha." I didn't learn the true nature of the various timelines until...

Like the first half of the StarForce Anime aired as one continuous movie on Toonami as a special event and then I started looking stuff up becuase it was too similar to what I saw of the Net BAttle anime.

Robot vs Robot Master is not same difference Zodi. Basic robots just do what they're programmed to do. Robot Masters are capable of making decisions on their own to an extreme but limited extent while also legitimately learning and, to a limited extent, growing as people.

It's like comparing modern Homo s sapiens to austrolopithicus.

So Rich Girl's homepage/slash personal computer is a literal portrait, and Mayle's is a piano, and... Why. Why all this?

What does Mayl think about you coming into her house, poking around, then jacking into her piano/PC and stealing a battle chip from it?

One of the pillow/rugs is a bunny head, the other is its butt.

Why is the random toy connected to the internet?

And the GameCube is connected to the internet.

...Turning on the lights and not sitting too close to the TV isn't true?

Red Face from playing video games for an hour isn't normal Zodi.

Lan's just stealing money and battle chips from his friend's devices, He's kind of a ****ty friend.

Dex is never gonna upgrade Gutsman, is he?

Or he is, but it'll be after you get that massive fricking upgrade from Lan's dad so the gulf between MegaMan and Gutsman will be even bigger despite any upgrade Dex could posibly get his hands on...

Oh my god. Lan is the guy on the playground who says "my dad works at Nintendo and blah blah blah this is what's happening in the game that's coming out" except instead of being a lying little crap making up rumors his Dad is actually a guy working on developing this stuff so Lan has stuff that isn't gonna be on the market for years.

This is a very dystopian game if you think about it from the programs' perspectives.

Lan slept for several days? I don't know if I'm concerned for his well-being or jealous of his ability to super-nap.

You just stole a battle chip from the school nurse what the hell.

And just... Seriously, not only does Lan have the best possible Navi custom-designed by industry insider computer genius dad and regularly upgraded by the same, he also just flat-out steals other people's battle chips.

Lan, your classes are like five minutes long, stop dawdling.

Lan's seat is n the first row and there are like nine students in that class. He never should have been able to sneak in, they would have known right away.

...How is lan walking in roller skates?

It's your hobby and literally everyone elses', Higsby...

And I'm gonna have to finish later because reasons.