Oh hey, the day the weird new guy shows up is the day the terrorists try to brainwash a bunch of little kids. Ain't that quit the coinkydink?

Here's a password that you probably don't even need to double-check once we give you the hint.

Here's a password you can easily find and... So weren't those doors locked earlier? Did unlocking the virtual door automatically unlock the real door?

Here's a password where the hint is to go screw yourself. This one seems incredibly frustrating.

This level appears to be absolute hell.

Somehow Lan is able to help Megaman in the physical world and I just noticed that he's not jacked in despite how the last level showed Lan unable to talk to Megaman when the oven exploded and they got unjacked.

Why would exactly one computer being frozen affect MegaMan... When he's in the Network, not one specific computer?

This is the second time in less than half a week where I've heard the phrase "is girl" used to describe someone. Discussion of a Fanfic idea someone had of a word where Norville "Shaggy" Rogers is the grandson of Steve Rogers led to someone linking an hour-long video describing the ideal version of each member of Mystery Inc.

I was about to say that if that huge ball had a jack in port...

By the way, I've done some reading into the series and I'm pretty sure I know what the secret is. Need to see more first though.

Higsby is an addict. He's addicted to collecting chips and those WWW bastards took advantage of that.

I can't help but notice that enemy Navis can all do things that Megaman can't without seeming to use chips.

Like, we had the whole conversation about rare chips and he doesn't seem to use any. Unless he just has a hell of a lot of the same three chips.

Another sentient life form murdered by this child. Three for three now. Eat the remains MegaMan, you need to get stronger because your unique power kinda sucks. MegaMan? Me~egaMan...?

.Exe kind of sucks at this whole MegaMan thing. He uses the basic battle chip thing, but everyone can do this and only some chips are related to the defeated enemy. The only other MegaMan who doesn't have a unique (semi)permanent upgrade based on defeated enemies is Volnut and he makes up for it by having a unique dedicated, expandable, and upgradable arsenal. What does .Exe have? Nothing until halfway through the nextgame.

He tried to brainwash and enslave children Zodi. That's kinda bad. And implicitly he did more than try with other schools.

Considering you need to take the metroline to see Dr. Hikari, the most probable explanation is that he is living and working in a separate town and only comes home when he has enough time off work that he can actually spend time with his family to a meaningful degree. Why come home if you barely have time to eat a rushed dinner before having to head right back if you want to be on time in the morning.

I hear that's not too uncommon in Japan, actually.

Qwerty here's nothing wrong with setting things on fire. Did you know that there is a large correlation between people who set things on fire and people who end up being various types of scientists and engineers?

*Here's story* See? Exactly! It only technically worked, but to paraphrase a talking dog voiced by the guy who voiced Bender, sucking at engineering is the first step to being kind of good at engineering.

...And now I'm thinking about how you'd actually go about making bacon pancakes. Would you beleive I've never actually watched Adventure Time? I know the bacon pancake thing, "floop the pig," that Finn and Jake keep getting reincarnated and that one of Finn's previous incarnations was a green chick, the song "I'm Just Your Problem," the Ice King's backstory, that there are a disturbing number of severed arms for a kids show, that Marceline's father was an *******, and that Marceline and Bubblegum were a couple in the backstory and end up being a couple again by the time the show ends.

But that's just from Osmosis.

And as that tangent demonstrates, everybody gets weird thoughts in their heads that lead to weird places. Nothing to feel bad about.

Zodi, out of curiosity what kind of sandwich was that? I'm very fond of pepperoni, hard salami, and provolone either straight up or as a melt myself. And one time in high school I did pepperoni, roast beef, and sliced roast chicken on toasted sourdough with honey barbecue sauce and shredded cheddar.

Apparently inside games Mr. Match cycles through them.

And apparently, FlameMan and FireMan are technically the same Navi?

HeatMan's a separate character though...

Which is the exact opposite of the anime.

Don't forget the beauty of a flower... Until we figure out how to connect that to the internet too.

So interesting story: When I was in the first grade, my class was learning about metamorphosis by rasing various animals that metamorphosized.

We didn't get to study frogs becuase the tadpoles ate each other.

"Keep up the good work fighting terrorists, eleven-year-old student of mine!"

Why are the breaks in the car a program! And the accelerator... There's no reason for that to not be manual! And... The car should stop moving eventually if you take your foot off the accelerator Not just keep going forever. This is a terrible design.

And why is the car connected to the Internet? That's the only probable way it can have viruses...

Unless all the devices are designed to create viruses on their own...

The principal is gonna be one of the bad guys.

So... Is the town anthem of ACDC town for For Those About To Rock?

...Seriously, this game ranges from apathetic to optimistic about things that would honestly be horrifying and dystopian IRL.

Like, the computers running the metroline should not be accessible by the internet. They should thus not be susceptible to viruses, and if they need to be for some reason they should have top-of-the-line heavy-duty malware protection for exactly this reason.

I think I've made it clear in other threads that I occasionally fantasize about traveling to fictional realities in order to approaite their resources to become immortal and/or a dragon? What I've learned from this playthrough so far is that I need to go to a Digimon universe, become a Bio-Hybrid, then come to this universe, assume my digital form, enter the net, and feed on viruses until I have enough malignant code composing my being that I become a ZeedMilleniumon.

Literally everything is connected to the internet so I could easily travel the globe through the Net and nobody would ever be able to catch or stop me because the only way these people have to deal with malware and other hostile programs is to have their virtual pets beat it up.

And apparently the ghosts of NetNavis that the protagonist murders are also on the menu.

And while doing an awful mission, you run into the ghost of FireMan back for revenge. Make sure he stays dead this time.

...Well, I suppose trapping him in a chip so you can use him as a weapon is better than nothing.

...How! You tapped him in a battle chip. He's your slave now. How did he escape already?

Are there just an infinite number of copies of FireMan floating out on the net all independently hunting down MegaMan for revenge?

And... There's no user for Fireman here, right? These aren't Chips, those are just... Hist powers... Despite the fact that at least one of them is also a chip.

So why is MegaMan stuck with just a megabuster unless he uses a chip?

You get charge when you hit the caps for everything else.

I feel called out by the contents of Lan's drawer.

So... Gutsman has been deleted twice in the last week... Is he the same Gustman? The same continuous entity, or is he just a copy with only knowledge up to his most recent backup and then nothing until that backup is activated? Is this Gutsman back from the dead or did MegaMan murder murder him for sport and this is just a cloned duplicate?

Like, minor spoilers I know that souls exist in this world but do Navis have souls and if so does this Gutsman have the same soul as the one you killed earlier?

Or does Dex have a program that scans the net for Ghosts of Gutsman and recompile them back into the Gutsman that you murdered?

Okay, honestly, having your ghost slave sucker-punch Gutsman was hardly sporting.

Is there a program advance for using three shockwaves?

Why wouldn't fire sword be that long? The chip is loaded with the data of a virus tht used a fire sword that was that long.

Part of me thinks that it's narratively bad that there are two WWW plots happening on the same day... But realistically why wouldn't they have multiple agents working on multiple plots simultaneously? It's really only that Lan runs into two on the same day.

You're gonna get swarmed by ghosts of StoneMan now. All because .Exe kinda sucks at being a MegaMan.

Zodi, remember how FireMan was creating fire in the real world rather than it being a physical thing the ovens did and then defeating him put out the fires and there was no damage except the pie?

Same here with Stone Man.

And I bet the brainwashed kids all snapped to their senses when you murdered numberman.

...That old man just gave you an asterisk-coded recover 80 for a basic task... Also, he didn't clean his dentures before he put them in.

...Why was he wandering down the street instead of in the park looking?

Sword, Longsword, and Widesword I think are how Program Advance was introduced in the anime... except they made it sound like it was the only one and also treated it like a dangerous technique so that Lan and MegaMan had to train to use it properly so when they pulled out another one later it came out of nowhere and was vaguely confusing.

And MegaMan died trying to hack into a cash register to steal from the till. And for some reason, you can't just revive him from a backup like everyone else. And because no auto-save, you lost the super good flamey sword and have to commit two homicides all over again.