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Thread: Savage Tide 5e Conversion

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Default Re: Savage Tide 5e Conversion

    One plan I wanted to implement for a 5e conversion is the concept of Factions that are popular with the Forgotten Realms adventures. Earlier Greyhawk adventures didn't really rely too much on factions in my experience but I think that they would really provide an excellent Role Playing base for those players interested in that. In addition, the factions can be used to help tie the player character into the adventure by providing a purpose other than "collect treasure" and "kill stuff."

    Possible Factions

    Circle of Eight
    Composed of powerful wizards under the leadership of the legendary Mordenkainen, the Circle of Eight strives to maintain the delicate balance between Good and Evil. This is similar to the Harpers and I could imagine the wizards routinely obtaining the services of all manner of folk to serve as messengers, scouts and spies to gather news and provide information. It could even be cool to have Mordenkainen himself make an appearance (or any of the archmages)

    Knights of the Watch
    Originally founded in the region of the Gran March, a former fief of the Kingdom of Keoland, the Knights of the Watch served as a defensive miliary order to guard and protect the northern Keoish borders against the perceived threats from the Baklunish West. Over the years, the order has expanded and dispatched members to other parts of the world for all manner of purpose.

    Knights of Dispatch
    A splinter group from the Knights of the Watch, the Knights of Dispatch are a relatively young order of knighthood. This group is far more aggressive in nature that its parent order however. The Knights of Dispatch were originally formed as a result of the increasing giant troubles from the frontier along the Barrier Peaks, Crystalmist and Hellfurnaces.

    Old Faith
    Striders of Fharlanghn
    Church Militant
    Last edited by Rhineglade; 2021-12-08 at 03:35 PM.