Dungeon Magazine #139, October 2006

Players are each connected to an old Suel colony near the Amedio Jungle called Sasserine. Either they grew up in the city, have lived there for some time or recently arrived, they will need to develop some reason for being in the city. The adventure assumes that each PC knows one another but this is not required.

Summary: Sasserine is controlled by a number of noble families. Each family governs a particular section of the city and inter-family strife is not uncommon. The adventure starts off with the players receiving an invitation from the scion of one of the noble families. Lavinia Vanderboren serves as a patron of sorts in the beginning requesting that the PCs help her with various important tasks to help secure her position. This intro is great with introducing the PCs to the city itself and allowing the party to move about the area as they complete their tasks.