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Thread: Savage Tide 5e Conversion

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    Pixie in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Default Re: Savage Tide 5e Conversion

    Savage Creature Template

    This is one of the major plot points of the adventure path and likewise its greatest sticking point.

    It's a plot point because it serves as evidence for the PCs as to the disastrous effects of the savage tide curse created by the shadow pearl.

    It's a sticking point because, although 3.5 relied heavily on creature templates to augment creatures, 5e doesn't use them at all. Furthermore, the 2nd chapter, The Bullywug's Gambit, is the only time the players will really encounter these creature templates so I think it is important for the storyline to include them.

    Since there aren't a lot of guidelines in converting templates to 5e (that I know of), I imagine this will be a trial and error and require a lot of adapting to make work.

    Creating a Savage Creature

    Change creature type to Monstrosity

    Change alignment to chaotic evil

    Creature gains +2 AC bonus due to boney protrusions that function as natural armor.

    Creature gains +10 bonus to speed.
    A savage creature retains its Ability Scores with the following adjustments: +2 STR, +2 CON, -4 INT (minimum 1)

    Creature gains Darkvision 60 feet if it doesn't have it already.

    If the savage creature has a CR rating, it retains its CR rating but adds 1 to the score.

    Creature gains the following Traits:

    Damage Resistance: bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from nonmagical weapons.
    Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, sleep, stun

    Magic Weapons: A savage creature's natural weapon attacks are magical.

    Death Throes: When a savage creature is reduced to 0 hit points, as a reaction it can immediately make a bite attack against any creature within 5 feet of it just before it succumbs to its injuries. Once this bite attack is resolved, the savage creature dissolves into a puddle of acidic goo leaving behind its skeleton. Any living creature within a 5-foot radius of a melting savage creature takes 1d6 acid damage unless it makes a successful DC 12 DEX save. This acid damages only living flesh. A pool of acid remains on the ground, taking up a 5-foot space. Any creature that moves through this space makes 1d6 acid damage. The acid dries to a harmless green powder over the course of 1 minute.

    Creature gains the following action:
    Bite. Melee weapon attack: Proficiency + Str/Dex Modifier to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: Base damage on creature Size. Small or smaller size deal 1d4 + STR or DEX modifier. Medium size deals 1d6 + STR or DEX modifier. Large size deals 1d8 + STR or DEX modifier. Huge or larger size deals 1d10 + STR or DEX modifier. If a target bitten by the bite attack is a Creature, it must also make a DC 10 + savage creature's proficiency bonus CON save. On a failed save, the target contracts savage fever The incubation period is 1 minute after which point the victim's flesh breaks out into a terrible black rash that causes short bony protrusions to extrude from the affected area. After 24 hours, the victim was make another DC 10 + savage creature's proficiency CON save. Failure indicates a loss of 1d4 INT points. This reduction in INT continues every day thereafter as the disease spreads and the victim's mind grows more and more bestial. Once a victim reaches an INT 0, they collapse into a coma-like state and transform into a savage creature. Once afflicted, the savage creature develops a random mutation. This mutation is up to the DM to determine. It can take any number of forms from bestial appendages, extra limbs, clawed or webbed hands and feet or horrific physical distortions. This change is permanent but can be prevented with the successful application of lesser restoration or cure disease or similar magic provided the magic is applied BEFORE the creature is reduced to 0 INT. If cured, the creature slowly regains lost INT points at a rate of 1 point per long rest.
    Last edited by Rhineglade; 2021-12-11 at 08:46 PM.