Spoiler: Hannabel Only
While she was holed up in her quarters on the ship, Hannabel was visited by Galimina, who entered - without knocking - during a time when Hannabel wasn't otherwise occupied.

"Mistress of Many Faces," she began, once Hannabel had noticed her. "Your behaviour has been somewhat out of character of late. Are there problems? I remained out of sight during the Lathes visit, and have neutralised the tracking engrams the Mechanicus placed within my systems. They will not be able to use their spy network on board."

She hesitated, her faceplate clicking as it rotated, settling on an expression of... Fear? Concern, perhaps. Galimina's ability to display emotion was limited by the number of carved expressions she had room for.

Spoiler: Ravia Only
Ravia's work, during the trip from the Lathes, was trying to install the Noospheric relay upgrades without being noticed. The ship helped her in this, providing warnings as best it could whenever someone entered her work area. Most of the crew wouldn't realise what was going on, but if someone like Anika happened to see, there would likely be questions.

Spoiler: OOC
Roll tech-use to install the relays