Quote Originally Posted by Mark Hall View Post
My hypothesis: The BoS kept some contact with the Arroyo villagers. Joshua, in the Den, was the contact for the Arroyo visitors, and knew about the Chosen One as the future leader of the tribe, and so provided some aid... as much as he could, given the limitations the Brotherhood puts on itself.
If the Brotherhood had kept active contact, then the elder or the shaman could have hinted at them.

The Brotherhood might have kept an eye on the Vault Dweller's descendants, but why? He didn't had super tech to monitor. He was an ally of convenience at one point but its not like he had a high Midichlorians count or something that would justify keeping a close eye on his bloodline.

Putting an entire outpost in the middle of nowhere just to keep tab on a tribe of primitives doesn't sound like Brotherhood.

For all I remember the status of you being a blood descendant of the Vault dweller is only a plot point to get citizenship in vault city. Nobody in the NCR cares nobody in San Fran cares. No brotherhood ever mentions your illustrious predecessor.