Yeah that counts as an oopsie. Luckily it only matters if word gets out and even then arguments could be made about ownership. After all, where did the geode maximas super juice came from get dug up? Was it a local pile of rocks, rocks shipped from elsewhere because geode rocks are common as dirt and shipped in bulk for stuff like that? And considering the mystery nature of her orbs and the fact that they werent found till now, it could be a green lantern ring sort of thing where they sought her out and chose her or were sent to her by the mystery ultra advanced (even for aliens) race. And they would have no way to prove otherwise. And ok, that works to cover up the imagined plot hole, as i thought, she lied about where she found them. Chances are good arclight DID inf act inspect the keys looking to see if they could find anything of itnerest and when they didnt they shrugged and left it at that. Then her quick attempt to shut her dad up about her scuba trip aroused everyones suspicion.