At the sight of the place Anika was less worried that the locker would be empty and more about the state of anything left inside. Perhaps it was a step above leaving everything exposed to the elements.

To 'Dirk', 'We brought it sight unseen if you can believe that. The person we brought it from claimed to not know either. You have any idea how long the locker has been in use? Do you happen to keep records?' This seemed like too much to expect, but Anika was curious enough to check.

On the other hand this was a archaeology after a fashion. 'I suppose that body shows that no one else has been in here to clean it up. From the decomposition I could probably work out how long It's been here.' Anika will get out her auspex and see if anything obviously stood out about the place. Otherwise she'll check the filing cabinets, broadsheets and paintings to see if she could identify or date anything.

Spoiler: ooc

Other rolls in the ooc

Let's roll Evaluate as well
vs. Int 53