Fettina's Place

Quote Originally Posted by Murkus View Post
Fettina's Place

Unfortunately for them both, this is simply how Tina deals with these things. Irreverence, feigned or not. It's easier simply not to care... or if you pretend not to truly care long enough, maybe you can believe it will become true. Oh, but how quickly all that wilts in the face of reality when it isn't kept at a comfortable distance...

Reese opens the door for the two of them. The limo interior, lit only by small bars of soft yellow light, awaits their boarding.

Inside, a man is waiting, one leg crossed over the other and his hands folded in his lap. He's impeccably dressed, the business casual of the far future. Despite the apparent perpetual youth of Tina's people, this man chooses to show his age, or at least some of it. His skin is a shade darker than Tina's, and he's as bald as an egg, but the resemblance is striking.

Only small flecks and tastefully placed bars of metal in his face betray any augmentation. He's not nearly so... loud as Fettina.

"Hi, dad," says Tina, sliding in on her butt and moving far enough to make space for Cantie.

"Hi, baby," says the man with a sort of cordial gruffness. He smiles, and Cantata can see where Tina gets her charisma-- this man could light up a room. "And you must be Cantata."

Fettina's Place -> Cool Limo

Cantata seems to transform a little as she slides into the limo, pouring in beside Fettina like she was born to occupy the seat beside her. it's as if she's slipped on a new face as well; she greets the man with a dazzling smile and an acknowledging nod, even as her eyes flit up and down in a quick, analytical scan that takes in and assesses his features as much as it habitually checks for weapons. That brief, colder glint is all that's there to belie an otherwise gracious and sparkly demeanor.

A pleasure. Cantata chooses to sign in response, figuring it safe to assume he'll be adequately prepared to communicate with her but keeping it brief just in case she has to reiterate. If a man with a presence like this who already knows her by name must have done some degree of background work on her, after all.