
"Oh. My humblest apologies. Please have a seat and I will see what I can find." The 7'7" Avakuss steps out to the bar to find Joel where he quietly explains they have a new guest that needs clothing and secondly some food and drink. If Joel can't help with some clothes Avakuss will get directions to the closest place and get them. Something extremely basic for now was fine.

Returning with clothes he hands them to Hesum. While he dresses Avakuss gets a plate of food and a drink for Hesum. "I'm very sorry. You are the first to be returned from there. I am Avakuss. This is Eilyra. Welcome to the city of Sigil. Some would say it is the center of everything, but that is a discussion for another time. We are in a private room of an establishment called the Black Sail, owned by Joel who you might meet on our way out. Please, eat, then I'll show you to my school where you can stay for now. There will be much to discuss. It is good that we speak a common language. Perhaps it has not been as long as thought."