Quote Originally Posted by Palanan View Post
Spoiler: Mayor's Office
The mayor has the assassin shot without any actual evidence of wrongdoing, nor any other hint of due process.

This is what tyrants and crimelords do. Looks like a villain to me.
Spoiler: Local Justice
We have no idea how the justice system on Tattoine works, but what he says is that the order cannot operate outside Hutt space. The man is wearing a very identifiable uniform and he now has multiple eyewitnesses claiming he attempted to carry out an assassination. Again, morally ambiguous and had an assassin executed on the spot are entirely consistent for me.

Problems with the problems in my analysis:

Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
A.) What double bluff? Only needs a single bluff. "Look at these other people instead of me". Easy peasy.
To be clear, the double bluff would be that the assassin was supposed to reveal his identity (and using an assassin tied to the Hutts rather than someone more local). This isn't required, but was my interpretation based on the 'he'll never talk--at the first serious threat he talks' sequence. More generally, this ignores the fact that the assassin has absolutely no reason to tell the truth and every reason to lie.

2.) He didn't point Fett at the Hutts. He pointed Fett at Garsa Fwip.
No. He pointed him to 'Garsa's Sanctuary' the location, not the person, which was fairly obviously where the Twins were going. The point wasn't to accuse her, but to point their return to him
Facts we know:
  • The Mayor paid no tribute to Fett.
  • The Mayor demanded tribute from Fett.
  • Fett refused to pay.
  • The Mayor threatened Fett.
    His Major Domo did.
  • Assassins attacked directly following this.
    Well, time isn't exactly clear on any of this, which is one of the better things about the series, but indeed, narratively it's set up to suggest the mayor's responsibility.
  • The surviving assassin said it was ordered by the Mayor.
    Indeed. And it's totally possible he'll prove to have been telling the truth. I'll think that's stupid, given their reputation and the amount of time he had to think of a lie.
  • The Mayor immediately had the assassin killed.
    Indeed. Totally unlike our protagonists...except, uh...not. But the more interesting thing is the claim made as justification, that they aren't allowed to operate outside Hutt Space, which suggests that the mayor is opposed to Tattoine being considered Hutt Space. Again, could be a bluff or cover for sending the assassins, but it suggested more to me, which is one of the things I'm liking so far. The show doesn't feel the need to give definitive answers.
  • The Mayor never denied sending the assassins.
    No, but his Major Domo did and he expressly said 'who really sent the Night Wind?' Of course, even if he had expressly denied it...that wouldn't prove anything?

You'll forgive me if I don't immediately trust the Ithorian.

Of course not. Trusting a morally ambiguous character would be deeply foolish.