Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
One would presume they would hand such a lawbreakers over to the Hutts, or at least imprison and try to extract information (such as who sent them). Instead, the mayor has him killed immediately. That's damned suspicious.
Spoiler: Except
He expressly states the assassins can't operate outside Hutt Space. He is claiming that this is not Hutt Space, so of course he wouldn't turn them over to the Hutts. He seems to be claiming that he has the authority to enforce the law, as the Mayor, though that could be interpreted differently (ie, he asserts that since Boba claims to be in charge, the Hutts can't be, so this isn't Hutt space, so the assassins can't be there...) I mean, killing the guy is definitely suspicious. It could be to cover up his involvement, or it could be to demonstrate his power and ruthlessness and warn Boba off against attempting to solve this with blasters.

Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
The twins weren't heading for her place specifically - they were seeking out Boba Fett. They went there because he was there. Their only business is confronting him, and when that is finished, they leave.

Not to mention, why does the assassin have no reason to tell the truth? His only desire is to not be eaten. Truth or lie is irrelevant here.
Spoiler: I don't believe that's correct.
The mayor sends him to that location. Everyone is nervous there, Boba asks why, she references the Twins and they arrive moments later on a very slow litter. My read is very definitely that they were heading for that location. Now, this isn't certain, but makes the most sense to me.

On the assassin...he's motivated to lie because he hopes to survive and move forward and having it be publicly known that he betrayed his employer is incredibly counterproductive? Also, a bunch of his allies were just killed by them, why would he want to help them out? If I'm him, my goal is to delay and lie until I can find a moment to escape. Motives for lying: Professional reputation, revenge on the person who killed your allies/friends, buy time to escape. Motives for telling the truth: hope that the crimelord will be so grateful he'll let you go (after you betrayed your previous employer and his lieutenant murdered your ally in cold blood), buy time to escape, revenge on the employer who sent you after this target. So, there are motives to go the other way if you want, but I really prefer the model where he's lying (or doesn't know and is making something up, personally I'd think part of the benefit of hiring an order of assassins rather than an individual would be that the ones actually sent don't know who sent them, so can't give up any information).