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Thread: The Book of Boba Fett - First Trailer

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    Titan in the Playground
    Fyraltari's Avatar

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    Default Re: The Book of Boba Fett - First Trailer

    Just watched it.
    Boba Fett involved in a train heist. That feels familiar somehow...
    Thinking back at our little debate(s) about whether Boba is a Mandalorian or not. Maybe he sees himself as a Tusken now? Really strating to wonder if his takeover was less a power-grab and more a way for him to help the Tuskens.

    No, Mr. Mayor, that wasn't Jabba's throne, he couldn't sit.

    Also, running a family is more complicated than bounty hunting? But that's already a complicated profession!

    Fyra watching the Tusken burn their dead: Where do they find the wood?
    Fyra watching Boba go out of the vision quest with a broken branch to serves as a warstaff: That just raises further questions!
    I joke but that was easily my favourite bit of the episode. All the Tuskens go through this? really deepens them. The artwork shown at the end shows Jawas present when Boba reaches the tree. obviously that was scrapped, but I hope the show explores these two people's relationship somewhat.

    Also, the bit about oceans drying, that's from Legends, isn't it? Where did the water even go?

    I thought the mean Wookieeeeeeeeee was a reference to Hanharr from KoTOR II, but he's a canon character? Cool. How does he not die of heat is beyond me, though.

    The Mayor is awesome, and I really enjoyed the bit with the receptionist, low-hanging fruit as it was.

    Those poor, poor people carrying the Hutts around.

    EDIT: Also, the Tuskens pilfering weapons from the Pykes made me think of Darth and Droids.

    Quote Originally Posted by ecarden View Post
    Spoiler: Second
    The mayor appears to actually be an independent power and is trying to walk a narrow path between Hutts and Boba and is intriguingly morally ambiguous and not human.
    Also, being a snail-man in a position of power on Tatooine is kind of a boast in and of itself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palanan View Post
    Spoiler: Fan Details
    Two fan details of note. First, the couple in the small bar where the Weequays were drinking were, according to the credits, none other than Cami and Fixer, who were in some deleted scenes from the very first Star Wars and made it into the novelization. I always thought Cami was a blonde, but even so it’s a nice touch.
    I wonder how much restraint it took to refrain from having them mention power converters.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palanan View Post
    Spoiler: Mayor
    He clearly had an arrangement with Bib Fortuna that allowed him a great deal of power, and I wouldn't be surprised if he had that arrangement with Jabba as well. He won't surrender that power lightly.
    I think the idea is that Fortuna let Jabba's empire whither away, allowing the Mayor and the underbosses to basically become semi-independent.

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Well, it basically comes down to "the assassin is/is not lying", which is pretty binary.
    Turns out the assassin thought he was hired by the Mayor, but that was actually Black K. in a cheap rubber suit. He was told to do that by the Twins, but he's actually a spy for the Twi'lek lady who's working for Thrawn, who is himself allied with the ressurected Darth Sidious.
    Last edited by Fyraltari; 2022-01-06 at 05:46 PM.
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