Quote Originally Posted by stoutstien View Post
So further increasing MaDness, pushing back those big spells even more, and losing dex save prof? Colour me sceptical in regards of using rangers in that sense within the parameters of this thread. Not to say there isn't a few fun build with using ranger but if it's the spells you are after then why not use druid or bard? I mean there is probably a build there using divine soul and fey wander but takes too long to get it's feet under it.
you're hardly increasing MaDness. With the standard array you can easily have 8 Str, 16 Dex, 14 Con, 10 Int, 14 Wis and 13 Cha. Other than the swarmkeeper, Rangers don't even really need their Wisdom as none of their good spells use it. Delaying spells with a one level dip is pretty standard, especially if this one level dip ensures you can keep concentrating on those spells later on. Losing dex saves isn't much of a loss either. Aside from the fact that most effects that use dex saves only deal flat damage with no dangerous riders that's easily reduced by Absorb Elements, optimal play assumes that you're using the terrain to give yourself cover, which gives you a large bonus to your dex saving throws. In contrast, con saves buff your concentration, protect you from necrotic and poison damage which are both common and not reduced by absorb elements, and con saves tend to be used for crippling status conditions like being poisoned, blinded, stunned or paralyzed. It's well worth the tradeoff