
Ash thanks Leron for her kind assistance, and gives the Cuprilach an opportunity to return to her duties. She nods approvingly as Taric makes his own connection here, and turns to address Almsway.

*We very much appreciate your hospitality. My name is Ash. I suppose I have a few experiences that might be considered, if not unique, then at least relatively rare.

*For example, my skin has been replaced by the silthilar by a type that is tougher and less sensitive to pain. Did you know that, during twenty-two of the twenty-six hours of that replacement process, I was fully conscious and aware. And for six hours, I was able to feel both the skin that was being flensed from me and the new skin as it was being attached. Effectively, being in two very painful places at once. Potentially thrilling for those who like such things, I suppose.

*Or I can add the experience of adjusting my thought processes to accommodate a chunk of brain retrieved from a four hundred year old vampire, a being that is mostly content to ride in the back of the wagon, but which sometimes likes to shout instructions to the driver. So to speak.

*Do you think that either of these interest you?*