Quote Originally Posted by Shining Wrath View Post
What Dave is probably unaware of, as it doesn't make the news much, is that there's a big NG facility in NE Mozambique. ISIS is active in the area and has come pretty close to overrunning the NG facility. In order to help Mozambique out, surrounding nations have sent troops to help fight ISIS. Very likely Deus would not be fighting the army of Mozambique, he'd be fighting their neighbors, too; and South Africa's forces would not be so casually dismissed. In fact, South Africa almost certainly has an ArcSwat team of their own. Per the CIA Factbook, SA has a population of 57 million and the largest stock exchange in Africa. Compared to Mozambique, they are a rather more formidable foe, and we already know they will fight on Mozambique's behalf, and organize other countries to help.

Transparency International gives Mozambique a score of 25/100, ranked 149 out of 180. So, yeah, pretty corrupt. South Africa gets a 40/100 (ranked 69th, so, above mid-point!).

Dave doesn't much care about RW politics for purposes of telling his story, but trying to cut Mozambique in twain would pretty much be "taking the bear's cub". South Africa is a force to be reckoned with in their immediate area, and the natural gas means developed nations might take notice.


Per Wikipedia, Mozambique has ~11,000 men in their army. SA has ~75,000 troops in their armed forces, including 229 aircraft.
Bear in mind that Obama is still in office, presumably. ISIS as an offshoot of AQI hadnt spread through the Muslim world yet.