Quote Originally Posted by Telok View Post
Whats modular about 5e? I mean you have the feat, multiclass, variant encumberance, and extended duration rest things to toggle on/off. But other than the encumberance & rests that's not exactly changing anything but PC 'get X or Y on level up' options. Its not like there's a low magic module, or a superhero martials module, or a magitech module (Ebberon is a setting that just adds a class & feats, not a different way to play or new optional rules).
Yeah, those variant rules are their attempt. And it isn't nearly enough, like I said. In the development phase, I remember reading somewhere that their intention was to have "modular" rules variants so people could play old-school hardcore mode or modern story mode (my paraphrase) or anything in between. I wish we had actually got that.