The rest of the evening is a little awkward at Janene's. There's not much of a good way to describe Isaera's relation with the others, aside from her sister. Coworkers, colleagues, and perhaps even the words like 'companions' and 'friends' wouldn't seem to fit. Not yet anyway...

Isaera is mostly silent and reserved. If not just attentively listening and observing her surroundings, deep in thought.

On the way home she snarks, "You know, I thought you always complained the tale of Basilael Rainburn was boring..." Though she 100% knew this as a fact, not just a fuzzy recollection. Perhaps it really fit the farstrider shoes Aleeana was going to try to fill. Or perhaps, not many stories had come to her sister's mind, either.


So they would be leaving for Ratchet in about a week. It was plenty of time to laze about, enjoy some of that hard earned silver, and prepare for the journey. Isaera certainly slept a lot for the first few days she returned from her harrowing trip. It was also good to know supplies would be sent to Brackenwall, and Zachary was leaving with the caravan as well. She at the very least, had to see him off.

Her family in turn was quite abuzz with the funds they had acquired, and the excitement of the journey and being backed by Jaina Proudmore herself (though technically not exactly true)! Aleeana couldn't be more ready to get out into the world and do her thing, and Tarien couldn't be more supportive. Her mother was in a constant rollcoaster of pride, excitement, and worry all throughout the days, but ultimately supportive as well.

This time, Isaera packed a number of things.. maybe too much, considering her sister was coming as well. She brought pretty much all her clothes, toiletries, magic tools, books, the portable alchemy lab, even a swimsuit, as ill advised as it may be to sunbathe or take a swim remotely near the goblin town. It was "everything but the bed and bookshelves" her brother joked.

In the days leading up to this, she also brewed up several doses of a medicine that would alleviate the effects of motion and seasickness. Isaera usually didn't get too sick, except when trying to read writing, but nevertheless, such a remedy could be handy for the benefit of others as well.


Finally the day came, and the two girls combined had so many bags and luggage that they needed to call a carriage to pick them up. Hugging her mother, and brother, and cousins, she gave them a final farewell before embarking with her sister.

It may have seemed like they brought a lot of stuff, but the sailors who were very used to handling cargo had no problems loading or unloading bags. Maybe storage space in the hull was the problem though...

The crew in question was a unique bunch: people who were respectable in that they had studied - or attempted to study, anyway - magic and their rudimentary knowledge funnily enough helped them sail. On the other hand, they were perhaps at one point considered pupils, then rivals, but ultimately, the scourge united them through destruction and sorrow, like so many others.

So anyway, if Isaera could get along with trolls, orcs, and ogres somewhat decently.. and probably goblins in the future, these guys wouldn't give her a problem. Especially considering how she had them practically wrapped around her finger. It became obvious that the crew liked the company of the pretty girls, taking every opportunity to flirt as the majority of them lazed about the deck. While the subject of magic may have been more productive and fulfilling, it was far more fun just to mess with them.

After only about an hour of banal small talk, the whole situation aboard the schooner was crystal clear. The sailors had far too much free time on their hands. And so, after she'd been complimented in the cheesiest way possible for the dozenth time, Isaera politely excused herself to 'check something' in her luggage, before emerging on the decks in said packed swimsuit. Smiling smugly at the guys as a cheerful hello, whose trite chatter swiftly transformed into incoherent babbling, she acts perfectly innocent as if nothing is wrong, stretching, sunbathing, and lazing on the canvas chairs along with them, and making it a game to keep on a straight face.

She continues like this well into the afternoon, continuing with the small talk and merely smiling politely and nodding the next time they work up the nerve to flirt with her. And of course, their brutal attempts to undercut the others' credibility are met with feigned looks of shock and horror (not much unlike Marion's sarcasm) and sometimes accompanied by the occasional pun when appropriate. For example, when it was revealed one sailor accidentally turned his head into that of a ram's she commented, "Oh my! I bet you felt so sheepish after that!"

In addition to attracting attention to herself just by her scant attire, Isaera also made some quite silly requests like: asking if one of the guys could stand up and put their hand in a certain place because the sun was in her eyes, randomly switching chairs with another for barely justifiable reasons, or if someone could go and get some ale from the ship holds for her to sip only to change her mind because she was no longer thirsty. She also had, occasionally, gone on completely tangential full-scale lectures on magic theorem when a crew member happened cast a spell or bring up the subject of magic. Funnily enough, no matter how boring and dry Isaera tried to make the subject, it seemed that the Captain Schofield was the one who seemed to be absorbing her every word. To be fair, at least Isaera wasn't making up lies and nonsense on the subject matter.

As annoying and tantalizing as Isaera was trying to be, however, it all just about backfired when they had pulled into port and she still wasn't dressed. When the port of Ratchet came into view, she had decided she'd make it a point to take it a step further and delay the men as much as humanly possible without outright being a saboteur. While half the crew was beginning to unload cargo, she had the other half taking a crash course on how to properly cast the Featherfall spell, and then going on a wild goose for an earring that she 'lost'. It was perhaps not much time wasted in the grand scheme of things, but still some karma to realize that while she was so distracted by her own attempts at distraction - or simply having way too much fun toying with the men - her luggage had already been unloaded onto the pier...

dun dun dun

Spoiler: ooc
Somewhere in all this mess, should Mor'Lag have ever openly complained about seasickness, Isaera would at least offer the remedy that she brought. It might still take one dose, or maybe all three, not sure...

Chances are, she'd have one of the guys fetch it though.