Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
... What? I just rewatched that scene on YouTube. It's bog-standard superhero movie stuff, something I'd expect straight out of an Avengers movie. It's trite, sanitized corporate schlock at worst. What it is not is on the same level as talking about trash cleanup and immediately chucking an empty can onto the beach completely obliviously. That's nowhere near on the same level.

Also, I'm not talking about the backend. The ad is the finished product, what the public sees. Of course the entire show is off the rails with what Voight and the supes do off camera. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a supposedly completed and seemingly aired marketing spot designed to manufacture endearment which is a blatant failure and so glaringly obvious that it can't possibly have been missed by the marketing team.
Do you remember the S1 interview with A-train and the cancer survivor? Cmon, that was ludicrously bad. And it still went out to the public.

The show isn't afraid to have Voight display their arrogance and financial motivations pretty blatantly. Subtlety isn't really on display anywhere. Hilarious show, though.