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Thread: The Wandering Inn

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Bristol, UK

    Default Re: The Wandering Inn

    Quote Originally Posted by Rynjin View Post
    K is "King of Destruction", and all the characters surrounding him. The letters used to denote a specific character ("K" was ALWAYS Flos' specific perspective), but as the scope of the story grew, they grew to encompass all the characters associated with a specific plotline.

    K is now all of Flos' vassals and plots, D (for Doctor) is the entire United Nations Company rather than just Geneva, E (for Emperor) is everything going on in Riverfarm and the surroundings instead of just Laken, etc.

    Some of the new ones have gotten muddied (eg. T for Teriarch is ALSO also Trey's perspective much of the time), but the old ones from back when the system started are consistent.

    It's why I typically skip a few updates and wait for the backlog to build sometimes. I can't stand Flos and his cronies, so I bank K chapters until I can just binge through to more good content most of the time.
    Thanks for that clarification. So, by that, another k could be Flos himself, Teres, Mars (probably not, she doesn't usually have a POV), another character in Flos's enourage or
    a return to Amerys situation
    Last edited by halfeye; 2022-01-21 at 12:12 AM.
    The end of what Son? The story? There is no end. There's just the point where the storytellers stop talking.