Oghash listens closely to Ahkmathi's ideas and Stvari's thoughts, nodding as she considers the implications. In 'Sharon's' voice she quietly responds on their plans..."Eddarly lives alone - he'll be easy to handle when we're ready. I like using him too, but with our plans for the keep is this the right time for that? He's a drunkard, but I doubt he'd murder another captain so readily." She then explains her trip and what she did to spread rumors/evidence of the affair around town. "If my little walk tonight causes a duel, though, that would be easy...

(Regarding intercepting the patrol in the wilderness) I can have a picnic if we take the whole patrol at the right time!

(Consolingly to Stvari) The dwarves already seem upset with the humans at the keep. It might be easy to get them to give up and leave...

(About the "ladies of the night") If Eddarly is any clue, I'll bet the soldiers talk to the whores too - we could learn alot from them."

Spoiler: Rumor Check cause I forgot it before
[roll0] - I assume this applies? Surely Oghash spent some coin on ale for Eddarly. How much should I remove from her inventory?