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Thread: Planeside 3

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Planeside 3


    Jaahlyn pats the succubus head and soothingly runs her hands through her hair. However, she still can't help but to feel awkward despite the tense situation. There had been dead trying to do so much more but again, not actual persons. So she wouldn't let them anywhere near her chest.

    For now she mostly felt outraged though. "I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure things don't turn out like that, Mania." She promises though carrying the dead back from the underworld wasn't anything she could do.

    Though she wasn't still sure if Mania could be considered 'dead' considering how alive she seemed...

    She had kept occasionally glancing at that door during their conversation. Fearing that once it opened it would be too late to do anything. After all, should she just sit here and wait? Couldn't she just take Mania... elsewhere? Anywhere but here?¨

    It would be desperate but since Mania was convinced it was doomed it would feel better to at least have tried.

    Yet she can't bring herself to action. Not when Mania was resting on her like this and before she has time to consider it more the door finally opens. Time to face the music she supposed.

    Jaahlyn will attempt to help Mania up in a standing position as she stands up herself to address... whatever this woman was.

    "Jaahlyn Hesperos." She introduces herself and begrudgingly shakes the woman's hand as well.

    There were a lot of questions she wanted to ask. Like why it was so cold here for one. Did they just like to punish people for simply dying?
    But there were more important questions on her mind and there were to gentle ways of putting them. "Why should we, I, go along with this, Adira? Your system is cruel and merciless. Since why would anyone ever better themselves after being a demon? I was even the one that cut her free from that fate. Not you." They were the ones that had condemned her to it in the first place!
    Last edited by Shadowcaller; 2022-01-23 at 12:05 PM.