
Jaahlyn didn't consider herself great at math. In fact, there seemed to be something of an assumption that most fey weren't great at using such a elegant method of logic as they had gotten into their heads that fey were 'anti-logical' somehow. Whatever that was supposed to mean.

But if she assumed that half of everyone dead got sent down to the abyss (which was generous considering how heavily the odds seemed stacked against them). Then all those people turned into demons which lived forever and were supposed to bring more and more souls into the abyss each year by killing them...

There was obviously something she had misunderstood or there would be hordes of demons (and probably angels too if they represented the other side in this) fighting over each mortal in Mania's homeworld.

But that was not something she wanted to bring up just yet as Mania was sharing what must have been a traumatic experience for her. "No, can't say I do." She admits, since surely she would remember something as awful as that. She was pretty sure she couldn't even kiss someone to death.

"But then... why would you pick that name for the band?" It was a off-topic but she simply had to know. Who would to be reminded by that?