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Thread: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIII

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: [WFRP] The Bloody Crown XIII

    "You can't do anything else?" Ludo said, a little disappointed. "You don't have a spell for this, or you can't use your wizard eyes and see it?"

    "When I go back and get my things, I'll try using my witch-sight on him," said Elsa. "But if Tshula is inside him, it's unlikely there's anything I can do about it. Exorcisms are the province of hierophants, those who use the Lore of Light."

    Later that day, when picking up her possessions to go move to the Crown and Shackle, Elsa thanked Hieronymus warmly for his hospitality and opened up her magical senses for any signs of Dhar.

    Magical Sense 93: (d100)[17]
    Fortune: (d100)[5]


    "If you think he'd have some innocent fool hanged to ease his ego, then why do we still listen to that pig-headed bastard? He didn't take Nahorek seriously until an entire village was marched off under his nose. Didn't believe us about Klammenberg even before that. He doesn't listen to us, don't see why it shouldn't go both ways."

    Sieghard's defensive response all but confirmed to Elsa that he was responsible for the pig painting.

    "Not saying we have to work with him... just around him," said Elsa, both exasperated and not a little heartbroken at Sieghard's apparent lack of concern for the consequences of his actions. "And not spur him to do things that bring a world of hurt to innocent people, like that vandal did."

    She confided: "When I told Carraciolo that Mala was in the hills, he said he'd send more troops to look for her. But I've seen how his troops treat the hill people. They rob them and rape them and torture them and generally behave like glorified bandits. I imagine that right now the people of Morr's Seat are suffering even more than they already were. And I'm partly to blame for this. I can't just lay it all at Carraciolo's door."
    Last edited by -Sentinel-; 2022-01-25 at 10:32 AM.
    Voyages of the Ghostlight (Risus)

    The Bloody Crown (WFRP) as Elsabeth Holt, rogue pyromancer and court wizard

    Quote Originally Posted by TheSummoner View Post
    Oh wow. I will never again underestimate [our characters'] ability to turn friendly conversation into a possible life or death situation.
    Quote Originally Posted by LeSwordfish View Post
    Ludo has a crowbar, if that helps.