
Yyrkoon is glad he has made yet another friend, and if this Nerine should prove useful to his purposes, he migh keep her for long. After all, he never had a pet fish before. Hiding his disdain for Nerine in the deepest of his powerful mind, Yyrkoon acted curteous and gentile as the Aventi explained herself.

Yyrkoon paused in disbelief; so far, he had never really considered what question was the correct one for the oracle. He felt stupid for an instant. He had been so entertained by this whole quest that he was baffled now in the island.

He looked around and sent a telepahtic message to his scaly companion.

It had never occured to me what to actually ask the oracle.

Then he tried to act confident andwent for the most basic question.

Well, I'd first like to know what this tone is and where does it come from?