Felicity's Lab

"That... might be an idea." She nods; she'd like to have a better idea of what he's up to anyway, and maybe see about stealing some materials or notes as well.

"Oh, I wasn't really doing much science, exactly. I was about to water the triffids. I've got some spare goggles if you want to help. They're not fully grown yet, so they can't penetrate skin, but if it does get into your bloodstream or eyes let me know immediately." She gestures at the plants growing at the other side of the room, behind their chickenwire fence. Obviously she doesn't really expect Second Light-Bearer to be able to hold a watering can, even if she is almost certainly impervious to the triffid's venomous sting. "I could dock them, removing their venom gland and stinging vine, but it grows back and I'm testing the venom anyway- and for some reason, intact triffids produce more seeds and therefore more oil, which I'm also using." Triffid oil is not confirmed to be produced by triffid seeds, yet Earl doesn't know what else could be processed into vegetable oil in enough quantities to make triffid farming a viable industry despite the dangers.