

The decoy didn't work.

Maybe if Lapis had known she was being watched to begin with she could have done it differently and stayed hidden! What should she do now?


She isn't sure if it'll even work or not, but she tries tagging the purple floaty thing. Lapis is pretty sure that's how the doctor lady is able to see things from a distance. If she's able to tell where it is even when she isn't drifting then she should be able to avoid it if she's really careful.


No way she's just going to reveal herself.

These people might be pretty sure that she's still around, but they're only pretty sure she's still around. Whatever they were up to they can't actually do if they think she's watching, right? And it must be something bad if they're trying to be so secret about it.

See, Lapis wasn't created to be a grounds keeper.

She was created to uncover infiltrators.

And that's something she thinks she's pretty good at.

The little seraph can't remain drifted forever, but she doesn't materialize in the middle of the room. That's what they want. Instead she finds a tiny interstitial space in the wall big enough to fit just the smallest of snakes and curls up inside. She can't hear what's going on as well like this. And she definitely can't see into the room. But she needs somewhere to rest for a little bit before she can drift again. Lapis isn't going to 'have this out face to face'.

She's going to wait.

Either they're going to give up and leave. Or they're going to assume she's gone. And more importantly they now know that Lapis can trail them and avoid their weird seeing clouds! That means paranoia. That means they'll never know if their secret plot isn't being observed.


Lapis' look-alike decoy is riding the elevator back to the surface.