
Well it looks like Lapis has some choices!

She doesn't want to confront the doctor; that isn't her job. Lapis will gather as much information as she can (most notably WHY they don't want the commanders to know about what's going on here) before bringing that information to Cessie.

As such, yelling at the doctor is pointless.

Much better to let them live with the paranoia that Lapis may or may not be watching at any given moment.

Looking inside the crate really isn't a big priority, either. Lapis' point of view while she's Drifted is... different. To say the least. Like standing above a drawing and looking down at it , seeing inside all the drawn buildings and things. Except and things covers basically all three dimensional objects. So, for example, seeing inside people. People insides are pretty weird, Lapis thinks, but she's used to seeing that sort of thing. The view DID surprise her the first time she did it, though.

When she's drifted she should be able to see inside the crate just fine. But... she isn't sure if she would be able to tell what's in there. Especially if it's some sort of science thing. Lapis really doesn't know much about technology. Or about most things, for that matter. Knowing things is one of Lapis' big blind spots. She's very young, after all.

That just leaves spying on the tube.

Lapis will mostly miss the first few minutes of the process since she's still busy existing but as soon as her ability to Drift recharges she'll be jaunting perpendicular to reality again to see if she can't figure out what's going on with that weird tube thing. Maybe it has sometime to do with the color clouds?