Alyndra Aramiar - Elf Wizard (5) - HP 30/30 - AC 18

Alyndra briefly inspected Jasper, not so much to check that everything had been done right - she'd be hard pressed to tell that after all - but to see what had been done. While she did, she glanced at Midnight, “I hope you didn't steal all that food.” Though of course, as far as Midnight was concerned, food she could get her paws on belonged to her so it wasn't stealing. More like an unwitting offering.

Done with her checks, the young elf nodded to Lo'it, then turned to the orc, “Thak you. And may your son be born strong and hale.”

She then observed said Lo'it, but she was squinting as she did so. Not so much because of those temple snake tales - she'd rather hold her judgement on that for the time being - but because of his attitude towards Midnight. As such, she merely observed his instructions to Elva and without waiting, climbed on top of her own camel...and rolled her eyes at Josiah's sermon.