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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (IC Thread)

    now this was an impressive youth standing at attention. A portrait of Emelia would have been most misleading. The fresh face devoid of any signs of misfortune or affliction and an immaculate uniform would have suggested someone freshly enrolled in training or a noble assigned a regiment seeking bolster future opportunities in statecraft. Something which could be observed in several cultures across Azeroth.
    But the respect and attentiveness she had shown was just downright charming. After all the mysterious mercenaries or bulldozing warriors on the road it was nice to see someone invested in contributing to the team and not stepping on someone else's toes. Things were looking up for Jakk'ari.

    Well, it's pretty early to skin our Zevra before we catch it.
    Considering the party Jakk'ari shortly ponders what would best serve the party.
    Given Isaera's, Marion's, and recently Mor'Lag's interest in magical study perhaps there could certainly be many late nights in their future. Doubly so if there was any deliberation to be done in the future.

    Perhaps some tea plants or chiles. We will probably have some late nights in our future.

    As for the elements don't worry about it. If you listen, you will learn in time.

    Spoiler: Roll to detect prejudice.
    If a timeskip is going to happen soon I would like to roll for Jakk'ari seeing one of his companions caught in the act of disliking a group or individual for a reason he would not deem as being justified. I am using the awareness stat bonus. Either, Marion, Isaera, or Emelia I think. Jakk'ari knows Mor'Lag's issue with ogre clan membership but maybe not their issues with the horde (1d20+3)[19] Feel free to roll to contest the action.

    As Jakk'ari concludes with his encouragement he allows the others who have now come to a standstill and ready to introduce themselves.
    Seeing Emelia address Isaera first Jakk'ari quitely watches passively. Hopefully Emelias strengths would complement the elves and get Isaera to focus her impressive talents. Some of the best apprentices of the elements in Sunscar village began their journey with a friend who helped push them out of their comfort zone or confront their deficiencies.

    JoyWonderLove:She nodded to cloak some of the sudden awkwardness.

    “Yes. Welcome. Aleeana – she is hunting. Will return, soon.”

    Emilia wore a self-conscious frown now, entirely sure she sounded like she had been given elocution lessons by Schlep. She looked over at Jakk’ari, a novice actress seemingly floundering for lines, but started glaring at him, and then back at the strange elf of her dreams. This was not how the introductions were meant to go, and it started to feel an uphill battle to redeem herself.

    “Regardless. You will all,” She said, half-way daring them to discover otherwise
    That was odd. Isaera's second name is Runescribe. Though such a minor mistake would correct itself over time as familiarity between party members increased. And then the change in her introductions cadance and stiff posture. Well no one was perfect. Shyness came with uncertainty and awkwardness that could come emerge in young recruits. Maybe a little of Isaera's natural gregariousness and theatricality might rub off on her.

    Regardless, there was a new task at hand. Exploring the vacated tower and confirming the absence of any dangerous remnants.

    If you need a light, I can provide one. I will follow your discretion in this task.
    Last edited by Plaids; 2022-01-31 at 02:47 AM.