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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (IC Thread)

    OOC: While the discussion of the presumedly absent Burning Blade threatens to pivot to an exchange cushioning pride the camera zooms out. The focus remains on the three medium sized women now in a fully body shot as Jakk'ari out of focus but identifiably by silhouette briefly interjects. Having seen an opportunity to speak after Marion's contribution on the subject of the cult who had vacated their new headquarters.

    With a few exceptional outliers. They would have been much more successful in their schemes were their rank and file equipped with greater skill."
    Well that's good to hear. Sounds like the Burning Blade couldn't hold a candle to what we've faced. If you find anyone still hanging around try to leave them in one piece for me, you three. I'll be taking taking the luggage inside and unpacking my things if you don't need me.
    Mor'Lag? Are you going to unpack or go after those "Burnt Butter Knives"?

    Jakk'ari begins assessing the currently luggage discerning which casing belonged to who and which may have the most fragile contents.
    Last edited by Plaids; 2022-02-03 at 01:46 AM.