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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Default Re: World of Warcraft - Interbellum (IC Thread)

    The keep all things considered was quite nice at first glance. Sturdy floors, stones and tile absent of large chips and cracks, and a manageable amount dust and soot. Certainly, would disappoint a disappoint a paladin who were keen on maintaining immaculate sanctums but quite comfortable for this shaman. Once unpacking commenced a steady rhythm formed alongside the comfort of handling and situating familiar objects. A bandolier of spices here, effigies of the four cardinal elements there, and a crude table in the freshly swept corner.

    After establishing a comfortable corner for himself Jakk'ari turns to his companions first spotting Marion. The young woman had brought more than Jakk'ari causing a more burdensome load to be hefted inside. That along with her hood seemed to be causing some sweat along her brow. Once she lowers her luggage Jakk'ari begins their conversation.

    "Looks like you brought your fair share of items. Anyway, what do you think of this place? A bit dusty and worn but a decent place provided the previous tenants didn't leave us anything. You handled yourself well on the ship. You didn't get sick, and the men didn't sweep you off your feet. "

    The young woman had likely spent a fair amount sailing. Likely as a passenger given the lack of callouses on her hands.
    After the small talk Jakk'ari proceeds to his request. The real subject of his discussion.

    " Well, I have a request for you. Since I probably can't do it all on my own. It's about Emelia. I've seen some of your spells and you might get antsy around a light wielder who might bring down the hammer. But I think we have a fresh-faced greenhorn groomed since their first lesson to command. I wouldn't be asking you this if I thought you couldn't do it. But if you have the time could you help show Emelia the ropes? You saw her start to stutter once we all approached her right? I've seen young trolls in position before, groomed by their elders to command, they're confident but once it's time to lead they can quickly become doubtful, overwhelmed, and withdrawn. I think she could learn a lot from you, and you could learn something from her too. I ... also don't want a repeat of what happened with Felix."

    Jakk'ari breaks eye contact briefly his eyes darting the corners of his eyes as he remembers his time with Felix on the battlefield.

    "So, can I count on you? "

    Spoiler: OOC Request summary
    Hey what do you think of this abandoned cultist compound? Pretty good right? I know you might be suspicious of this new person but I think she's alright. Could you please be a good older sibling and watch her back?
    Note: Jakk'ari is not aware of Emelia's crush on Isaera or Marion's suspicion of Emelia but is making an assumption on the later given the spells he has seen Marion cast.
    Last edited by Plaids; 2022-02-07 at 02:13 AM.