[Well Past Midnight]

Well. That's an alarming chain of events.

Eun holds her hand her head and tries to piece together what happened. Obviously, she went out. Probably to clear her head after having that weird dream with the cow-lady telling her she should. While she was out, she must have met someone, this... Buhan. She referred to herself as Eun's co-pilot, which she thinks is a dating term? It's got to be in the same vein as "wingman", right? And this "copilot" apparently got her set up with a singles service and a club, both without her actually present (since this Sarah lady didn't actually know who Eun herself was).

Well, wasn't that presumptuous of her!

Eun silently fumes as she starts picking up her clothes, stuffing them into her Hotbox and flushing them away. She's still trying to piece together the rest of the night. This Buhan lady must've gotten into her room at some point; that's why there's clothes everywhere.

Wait a minute.

Waaaaait a minute.

Oh, nononono.

Eun cringes as it occurs to her that she very clearly changed clothes in that time, too. The most optimistic conclusion she can draw from that is that she and Buhan decided to play dressup at some point. In a completely non-euphemistic sense.

Again, best case scenario.

Oh, yeah. And Buhan knows where she lives.

That's not a nightmare scenario at all.

Eun rubs some gel through her hair and sighs. She's not going to have time to get proper sleep tonight. She'll have to settle for some basic upkeep before going into the lab today.

Where she's going to wait this out. She doesn't want to risk running into Buhan again. That'll be awkward at best and terrifying at worst.

Of course, in twelve hours, she might not have much of a choice...