Eilyra takes another look around, and shrugs. "Despite the rain, and the nearby noise, it seems clear enough for the moment. I think that, for the moment, rather than try diving right in, we just cast our spells, and then assess. If we find clear evidence that launching an assault right now is the right move, then we do. Otherwise, we take the slower route, and take the portal. I would, however, suggest that we move under the cover of those trees" She points towards the edge of the clearing, further away from the mechanical sounds, even as water drips from her fingertip. "Rather than simply casting in the open. Statistically, we're likely several hundred miles away from Aelcliffe, and we don't know how large it is in any event. Let's just cast our spells, and see what we find."

After relocating to a less rainy, and more sheltered location, Eilyra looks over at Avakuss and Taric. "This is likely to take a bit over an hour, and will, with a bit of luck, give us some useful information. That said, please, stay alert."

With that, she casts Comprehend Languages, before she reaches into her bag, and pulls out a rather hefty looking finely crafted silver mirror, decorated with images of elves and demons working together, and marked with an unknown sigil. Then, she starts to chant, casting Scrying against the lich.

Spoiler: OOC

Casting Scrying, Eilyra has met the subject, and has both a possession(Cloak of Charisma +6), and a body part(Finger bone) of the lich.
(1d20+22)[30] Spell Resistance(If relevant)
DC 26 will save to negate, but the lich gets a -14 penalty(-19 if killing someone counts as knowing them well.)'

If she succeeds, she will follow it up with detect magic(Or arcane sight, if it is similar enough to detect magic to work through scrying.)