
Ash nods at Eilyra's summary.

*Well, yes. I suppose I should have been clearer.

*I'm suggesting we teleport to the meeting room. It's the only location lead we have for either of them. So my hope is that when we leave the meeting room, we are at least closer to people who may know who one or both of the lich and the avatarist are.

*My hope is that once we get there, by learning more about the location, both through direct observation and conversation, we learn more about both of these individuals - at the very least, who the avatarist is and where they might have gone after we destroyed their remote minions. How exactly we go about doing all of that will of course depend on the specific circumstances we encounter.

*We could be teleporting into any of a number of different circumstances - a room in a tavern, the middle of the avatarist's stronghold. The fact that there were no flags or insignia on the walls suggest that it wasn't some kind of government-associated room. Beyond that, I'd suggest that we leave ourselves open to the reality that presents itself.*