Khannie's phone quite suddenly begins making the Red Alert sound from Star Trek, prompting her to nearly drop the thing as she pulls up Paragon and checks to see what's-

Oh beans.

A few quick pokes pulls up the message's geo-tag. Robin Pear Court? That's back Inside. And not too far from the gate nearest GLoG.

The SOS feature was meant to be used as quickly as possible and provides little information on the severity of the threat, just that there's a pretty major one. There have been a few false alarms thus far, but for the most part it's understood that the SOS should only be used when facing a threat that a girl can't take on her own and needs backup for. And Victoria has been part of the Magical Girl sub-server long enough to know the ins and outs of the rules.

Sekhmet will find herself fixed with a very serious look as Khannie holds out her hand.

"I need my soul gem back; one of my friends is in trouble."

Her tone brooks no argument.