Marion Mordis

Marion had been typically quiet during the events thus far, her feminine form clothed in apparently new and tasteful finery that was not too ostentatious, but stylish in its well-crafted simplicity and current color scheme of black and orange. Indeed, Marion had cleaned up nicely. Having emerged from her workshop-sleeping quarters with heavy bags under her eye and a lurching gait that spoke of copious amounts of coffee-infused energy, Marion had recently taken some time to rest and rebloom! Her yellowed hair was well-groomed, her eyes were alert and sliding back and forth over each of her companions while her lips carried that characteristic little smile where one didn't know if she found something cute or "cute".

"What does the Union plan on using this Samophlange for? It sounds interesting I don't know what the Union would want from it, and I would be loath to let it fall into the wrong hands."

The trolls voice came down to Marion from Jakk'ari superior height. Even when the two of them were seated, the warlock had to turn her head and crane it backwards to look up at the shaman just to reply eye-to-eye.

"The creativity of the goblins is...well established," she smiled.

"I would have to see the manual to have any idea what their new little machine is designed for, built for and what it actually does," she continued, emphasising that those three things weren't necessarily connected.

"The three options seem straightforward enough to me, however," the warlock offers a small shrug.

"With whom do we wish to gain favour with first: the locals here in Ratchet, our neighbors in the barrens, or the Cenarion Circle on the other side of the continent?"

Marion allowed a pregnant pause to linger in the air before she continued.

"The Cenarion Circle would already be well-disposed to us, given our proximity to Theramore, Lady Proudmoore and, via the Alliance, Darnassus. But say we ventured into some dank cave in search of their missing druids, who doubtless knew the terrain better than we do, what reward would there be for us and how much would the Alliance's relationship with the Night Elves really be improved over its current status?"

Once more a pause for effect.

"Likewise, Ratchet has already welcomed us and happily takes our coin. Distrust of outsiders is not a natural characteristic of the goblins who founded it, nor are outsiders an uncommon sight here already. We are under no immediate threat of expulsion."

Taking a sip of whatever beverage had been prepared for her and rested within reach, Marion continued.

"One may consider my suggestion to be uncharacteristic, given the opinions I have vocalised in the past. But I see the toleration and incurred minor debt of the local...Big Dog, so to speak, to be the most valuable reward available on the table. And it fulfils the chartered purpose of this guild, diplomatically, exploratively and "persuasively"."