[That Cabin]

As soon as Braon mentions plastering someone's brains over the cobblestones, Sophie cuts her off with a wave of her hand. It's a strangely imperious gesture given how casual it is.

"You're wrong, so I'm stopping you. I didn't kill that man. But I think my life story can wait until later. If you're honest with me, you can expect the same in return. But right now we need to get you settled. You have to rest."

[Main Office]

Sophie scratches her head.

"Could you elaborate on that webbing? We try not to modify the cabins too much, you see."

[Lakeside Hole Digging]

"I dunno how to deal with possums. It could bite us," Tuskfang says apprehensively. "My dad would know. He knows all about animals. And I don't think we should give food to wild animals."