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Thread: GLoG 94: Good place to grow up

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 94: Good place to grow up

    [Cavorting with Witches]

    Training the girl to deal with what's going on might be helpful, yes. Especially training to help keep her emotions from getting out of control.

    Her madness hinges completely on hopelessness.

    But if hope can be maintained?

    Hope is hard to maintain, though, when you have been reduced to a spirit of despair.

    "All the Witches are like this, aren't we? We're all just girls that have been twisted up and driven mad with grief. But you're going to help us, right ma'am? There's hope for us?"

    That's a very fragile question.

    Fragile like the hope glimmering in Mary's eyes.

    Hopefully Sekhmet has a good answer.
    Last edited by Rebonack; 2022-03-07 at 01:43 PM.
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