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Thread: GLoG 94: Good place to grow up

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: GLoG 94: Good place to grow up

    [That Cabin]

    Sophie will open the cabin's door with a key.

    "You can take one of the rooms here and stay in it for as long as you're with us. Once you've got some rest, you should head into the infirmary, so we can give you a medical check and confirm what the report said about your health. And then we can schedule your first appointment with me."

    She's listing off this to-do list very casually.

    [Main Office]

    "Oh, that should be fine." Reelshka's concerns are clearly abated. "Would it be okay for you to share the cabin with someone? You'll get your own room, but we only have so many cabins. And you can leave Sujo in the daycare if you ever need to, of course."

    [Lakeside Hole Digging]

    Tuskfang isn't really accustomed to dealing with possums. His parents always tell him not to bother wild animals, for his safety and theirs. So he just approaches the possum with a slow, measured step, trying to make himself look bigger (and not really succeeding).
    Last edited by Morty; 2022-03-07 at 03:28 PM.
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