Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
[That Cabin]

Sophie will open the cabin's door with a key.

"You can take one of the rooms here and stay in it for as long as you're with us. Once you've got some rest, you should head into the infirmary, so we can give you a medical check and confirm what the report said about your health. And then we can schedule your first appointment with me."

She's listing off this to-do list very casually.
[That Cabin]

Okay, yeah, Braon's definitely going to do one of those things. And she's going to do it really well, which hopefully will make up for deficiencies in the other two.

Braon shivers a little as she hangs her cloak on a peg by the door. Dammit, why did it have to be so freaking cold in here? Sophie would probably object to her lighting a fire (unless it was in the fireplace, which only helps maybe three square meters of the room), and she doesn't care to burn down the cabin anyway.

Clearly there's only one solution to this conundrum. Blankets. All of the blankets.

Though wearing armor to bed has never really felt right, either, especially not since her time in the 'Depths. It messes with her ventilation, and besides that, it's not exactly optimized for comfort.

It takes until Braon's shucked her boots and undone one of her bracers for her to give Sophie an insistent glare. "...Like what you see?" She grumbles, giving a little nod to the door.

She probably did. Braon got a vibe from her.


Braon might be projecting.