[Wormwood Cabin]

Yeah, that's happening.

Braon gives Sophie a dismissive little wave as she leaves, but waits until the therapist is actually outside before removing the rest of her armor. She lets out a little groan of relief as it comes off, rubbing at the spots near her joints where it had chafed; normally, even a light set like this would come with basic underclothes, but they've long since worn away and Braon has had little opportunity to replace them.

But that's all beside the point now.

That point being: bed.

A nice, soft, warm bed. And nobody around to disturb her sleep.

Thank Adea.

Braon crawls under the quilts and sheets, rolling over onto her stomach (that's not a luxury she expects to have for long) and tugging the covers up to her shoulders, letting out a quiet sigh as she finally settles into a comfortable warmth.

Ten minutes later, the cabin is filled with the heavy, hoarse sound of her snoring.